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28th September 2013

Number of older people aged 100+ soars in England and Wales

The number of older people aged over 100 years old has soared in England and Wales, official figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show.

In 1981, there were just 2,420 people aged 100 and over, but by 2012 the figure had shot up to 12,320, the ONS said when it released new data on September 27.

It estimates that of the latest figure, 610 people are aged 105 or more.

More statistics from ONS on our ageing population

  • In 2012 there were estimated to be 465,500 people aged 90 and over living in England and Wales, just under 1% of the total population.
  • Between 2002 and 2012 there has been a 33% increase in the number of those aged 90 and over.
  • In 2012 in England and Wales, the number of centenarians (those aged 100 and over) was estimated to be 12,320.
  • There were estimated to be 2.6 women per man aged 90 and over and 5.9 women per man aged 100 and over in England and Wales in 2012.

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